The Center of Research and Community Inclusive Support (CORMIS), under the management of the Danang Union of Science and Technology Associations, was established in January 2018.

With the purpose of building inclusion capabilities for underprivileged groups, CORMIS collaborates with relevant stakeholders to concentrate on the research and execution of the following programs:

(1) Reducing risks in climate change adaptation context for communities in disaster-prone areas.
(2) Help build stable livelihoods for marginalized groups, combined with environmental protection activities.
(3) Improving capabilities for underprivileged groups through alternative education programs.
(4) Improve Preventative Mental Health awareness and implement Collective and Self Care Community Outreach Program
(5) Emergency rescue.

• The Center' strategies focus on the following 3 fields of research :

  1. Study, develop suitable models, solutions, initiatives to promote possibility of inclusion, increase quality of life of the marginalized groups in the society. 
  2. Implement and modify, complete the modules, solutions and initiatives to support, promote the inclusion capacity and increase quality of life of marginalized groups in the society. 
  3. Provide services following the needs of stakeholders to collectively increase the capacity for inclusion and quality of life of the marginalized groups in the society. 


Implement effectively commitments through the researches, appliances of useful initiatives and models to improve the quality of life of marginalized people.


(To 2025)
Become a trustful and pioneering in studying, applying new, suitable initiatives, models to help communities, including the marginalized people to increase their inclusion and sustainable development.

Core values  

Responsibility - Creation - Professional - Transparency and Unity

We believe that a “society where no one is left behind” means that everyone gets the chance to help push for positive progress with their own special set of abilities. Everyone has the right and responsibility to contribute their say in the making of decisions that impact their lives.
With all our past and current activities, CORMIS hopes to contribute to Vietnam’s strategy in the global commitment to Sustainable Development Goals and create a society where no one is left behind.
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