Event is on we need your support and efforts

Capacity building for Disabled People Organizations, Clubs of Women with disabilities to help them to be able to work independently and effectively. Without proper capacity, they cannot develop, implement and evaluate their implementation strategy which aim to help change the life of people with disabilities at communities. The capacity building also help these organizations to be able to implement effectively the tasks given by the local government. So, it will add their value and improve their active role in contributing to local sustainable development. Our topics of training include: meeting facilitation skill, operation strategy development and implementation, project management, club management, communication campaign, inclusive first aids, English etc…The needs of training will be consulted directly with the Disabled People Organizations before they are implemented to ensure they meet the requirements and solve the problems of Disabled People Organization. Besides the trainings, we have also tried to provide working equipment so that they can apply the knowledge learnt in their daily work

  • Date:01/07/2021 10:00 AM - 30/12/2021 08:30 PM
  • Location Vietnam (Map)


For our program to reach more disadvantaged people, people who need external assistance, we need support of each individual, community, corporate business and world wide organizations. Your support is important to help improve the quality of their life, enable them to be more resilient.